Just 19 years (or days) left! Welcome back to the countdown within the countdown: 50 Days to 50 Years is nearing an end, but the "reward" is The World's Most Magical Celebration . Today, Stelle recalls Walt Disney World 2002.
By 2002, my family and I had been visiting Walt Disney World for seven ...
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Walt Disney World 2001 | 50 Days to 50 Years
Happy 30th Anniversary Walt Disney World 2001 ! To celebrate, Beth graciously returns with another personal Disney moment. There's just 20 years left in our countdown to the World's 50th Anniversary!
Walt Disney World 2001
In 2001, Walt Disney World saw the addition of many new things. It wa ...
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Walt Disney World 2000 | 50 Days to 50 Years
Today the series welcomes the 21st Century! And Amanda of The Disney Go To Girl fame to 50 Days to 50 Years. Didn't the past 39 years go quickly? As they say, time flies when you're having Disney fun... Therefore, set off the fireworks for Walt Disney World 2000!
Walt Disney World 2000
The Mi ...
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Walt Disney World 1999 | 50 Days to 50 Years
The "Disney Decade" is at a close! Today, the series welcomes Beth from A Disney Mom's Thoughts and her remembrances of Walt Disney World from the year 1999.
The year is 1999. I've been looking forward to this year since I was in the 3rd grade in 1983- thanks to Prince and his hit song "199 ...
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Walt Disney World 1998 | 50 Days to 50 Years
Welcome! Today's 50 Days to 50 Years edition features Walt Disney World 1998, and our esteemed guest blogger, Stuart (co-founder of WDW Fan Zone).
I remember 1998 being a pretty good year. It had to be a good year because my wife and I got to take our children on their very first Walt Disney W ...
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Walt Disney World 1997 | 50 Days to 50 Years
Crystal Palace
Welcome (or welcome back) to 50 Days to 50 Years; a series that records 50 years of magical memories through the eyes of nearly 50 magical Disney influencers. We are rapidly approaching the big 50th Anniversary. Today, our guest author Melissa, will take us back to the ...
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