Happy 30th Anniversary Walt Disney World 2001 ! To celebrate, Beth graciously returns with another personal Disney moment. There’s just 20 years left in our countdown to the World’s 50th Anniversary!
Walt Disney World 2001
In 2001, Walt Disney World saw the addition of many new things. It was the debut of One Man’s Dream, and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge welcomed its first guests and Playhouse Disney Live brought favorite Playhouse Disney characters to life. Though all of these are significant in themselves there is one more thing that opened that has become a milestone for one of my children. It is The Magic Carpets of Aladdin.
Honestly, when this attraction first began taking guests on magic carpet rides, I was not impressed. I enjoyed the former openness of Adventureland. With this attraction plopped right into the center of this land, it seemed more distracting from the landscape than a positive addition. Of course, I am not always great with change. Howevert, I don’t think I was the only person who thought that.

The Magic Carpets of Aladdin Opens 2001
Fast forward to February of 2006. This was the year that I brought my son, Joey, just 14 months, to Walt Disney World for his first trip. Of course, the first thing we did was to head to the Magic Kingdom. And Joey got his first personalized Mouse Ears. After that, we tried to decide the best attraction for his first Walt Disney World experience. Since I was 5 months pregnant for Hayley at the time, and definitely wanted to be with Joey for his first ride, we went with the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Not only was it a ride I could experience with him, but it had the shortest line at the time!

I wasn’t sure what he would think. But let’s just say, it only took a moment or two before he started giggling. He was just beaming from ear to ear. That is when I knew I had a Disney fan on my hands. If he was impressed with the Magic Carpets, I knew he was going to love the rest of Disney. Originally, I never thought Magic Carpets of Aladdin was a great addition to the Magic Kingdom. But now when I think of it, all I can picture is Joey’s big smile and all I can hear is that giggle. Of course, that seems like yesterday, even though he is now in high school! Fititngly, the Magic Carpets has become an attraction all three of my kids love.
50 Days to 50 Years

(I want to say thank you to Orlando-Florida.Net for the timeline info I used in this post!)
Beth, thank you for being so generous with your family’s magical memories!
Tomorrow, Stelle (@thatsostelle) formerly from This Happy Place blog will transport us to 2002!